Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We Need You in the Chorus Booster Club!

We are organizing a booster club to support the Bulldog Chorus!
Recognizing the need for fundraising and program support for the chorus, a group of parents are organizing a booster club for the chorus.  

Please join them on Wednesday, October 4th at 5:30 pm at the Crooked Tooth Brewery - 228 E. 6th (which has generously agreed to donate their space for a raffle basket event later this year!).  

We need help brainstorming and executing fundraising ideas like spirit shirts, singing telegrams and a raffle type / drawing event. 

Tucson High Visit and News on Future Visits

Advanced chorus visited the Tucson High Chorus to listen to each other. The Mansfeld chorus sang Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen and listened to a beautiful song from the Tucson High chorus.

We will be visiting the Tucson High chorus on November 13, January 22, May 7 and we will be performing with the Tucson High Choirs on May 8th.

We will be performing with the Tucson High Choir at 7:00 and the call time is at 6:00. The dress rehearsal for the performance is on the May 7th date from 3:30 to 5:00 pm.

We will be performing Cape Breton Lullaby by Ryan Fancy. We will practice this song separately then practice it together on those dates. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Welcome to the New Year!

Hello chorus students and parents of Mansfeld Middle School.  The last two days of the beginning of school have been informative and beginning Monday, we start singing!

Some items to note, all chorus members have been given a handbook that they should go over with you, the parents!  The last two pages are signature forms to be returned no later than Friday. 8/11.

This year the advanced chorus is experimenting on a quarterly collaboration with the choirs of Tucson High.  Your child may have brought home 4 permission forms that allow them to walk to Tucson High for the mini concert/lesson and to walk back.  This will occur during advanced chorus and advisory time on the dates specified.  They should not miss any other class time except for chorus.  Please contact me if you have questions!

Throughout the semester, the beginning and intermediate chorus members will be experimenting with understanding their "instrument," what it is doing, and what it could be doing within the next three years...all done within the discipline of singing!

Finally, I want to extend πŸ‘‰this invitation to you πŸ‘ͺ to attend our upcoming open house.  The date has not been solidified (at least for me) but I am assuming it is on August 24, similar to last year.  I will have information about an upcoming Advanced Chorus parent meeting regarding this years activities and fundraising. (Can't talk about that stuff in the little time given at Open House...)  The Advanced Chorus will be performing a fun piece related to that for the evening, hopefully it will be ready by then!

Thank you for supporting vocal music and fine arts in general!!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Tucson High Performance information

Here are rehearsal times available to Mansfeld Advanced Chorus members for the dates May 16 and May 17, 2017.

  • May 16- Mansfeld Advanced Chorus members leave Mansfeld at 3:50 and walk to Tucson High Auditorium to rehearse at 4:30  We will leave Tucson High at 5:30 and go back to Mansfeld Music room to prepare for evening Spring concert at Mansfeld.
    • Students can leave concert clothes at Mansfeld and change/freshen up when they return.
    • Students should bring some food to snack on from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
    • Concert starts at 7:00 p.m. at Mansfeld
  • May 17- Mansfeld Advanced Chorus members wait inside chorus room from 3:00 to 4:20, leave Mansfeld at 4:20 and walk to Tucson High Auditorium to rehearse at 4:45.  After rehearsal, students should remain in auditorium until concert starts.  Bring a book to read or something to do...🌝
    • Students should bring snacks or food to eat during the time of 3:00 to 4:20.  Pizza can be ordered and eaten during that time if students can organize/pool their money together. (I will donate to that as well) If there is a parent that can help with this, please call me at 520-241-9329.  
Thank you for your patience with this!  AZMERIT scheduling has affected so many things...

Monday, April 3, 2017

High School Audition Info

Old form, but good audition information for auditions at THMS for choir.  Be prepared!!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Close your eyes, make a wish, count to three..."

     My apologies to all who have been following the chorus web site.  It should be more informative but I find that it tends to be overlooked when working on all the items related to this performing art. For the future, I would love for a parent to possibly take this over or at least work along with me for new posts.
     Money has been at the forefront of some of the bumps along the way.  New sound equipment for the stage that is used for many events, most notably STEM nights, school assemblies and school musicals, was requested and purchased, additional microphones for use in school musicals were requested and approved as well as brand new choral risers (which were also approved.)  So many things that funnel through the performing arts dept that it does look like we do much spending...but with what equipment we currently have at Mansfeld; their time of functioning correctly and/or safely is coming to an end.  Plus, those large purchase items are long term and not a yearly expense.  The age of some other equipment also brought into focus some future needs from performing arts (chorus and musical theater).  Tax-credit donations designated to those activities greatly helped with the expense of needs for the sound system.  Un-designated and designated funds helped with the expense to replace the choral risers.  There is still time to donate!!  (Please designate "Fine arts, Chorus or Musical Theater.")
     For the yearly expenses of running chorus and musical theater, the P.T.S.O. has been a godsend. They hold the money we raise from water and bake sales and release it to be used for registration fees, buy supplies, accompanist, musical licensing fees, and for paying the yearly Music education fee which allows the chorus to participate in the yearly festival in Mesa (Our own little assessment of how we're doing). They are also helping us fund a charter bus to take the chorus to contest and "Castles and Coasters" Our current fundraising efforts are to help pay back P.T.S.O. the money for that bus...we're almost there!!   If I haven't said it enough, "Thank you very much" from me and the students in vocal music performing arts!!
     On April 1, the advanced chorus will be attending the yearly adjudication festival.  The group sings songs in front of 2 judges who then work with the chorus on musicianship, fundamentals and generally how to best support the group they belong to.  It is an invaluable experience for everyone, and the future of Vocal music at Mansfeld.
     May 9 is the annual Spring concert with selections from the Beginning Chorus (6th graders), Intermediate Chorus (7th and 8th grades) and Advanced Chorus (7th and 8th grades by audition)
     Ms. Chizuru Jurman, the choir director from Tucson High, will address the P.T.S.O. at their May meeting, on the effects choral music at Mansfeld has had on her programs at THMS.
     Finally, this is not the correct forum for me to share political views.  I will mention that there are many studies available (some on this web site!) that purport the importance of the arts in education. Our current situation, nationally, is one that is very unclear but as of late, it looks as though the arts are not as valued (NEA).   It is with you that the arts can exist within the limited amount of time in school.  Your expectation of it being part of the curriculum and the insistence of meaningful experiences for your children allow for some creative artistic projects.  Please stay involved, listen to your kids (read between the lines! πŸ˜‰) and enjoy!  As always, feel free to contact me anytime.