Monday, June 18, 2012

The year in recap

Well the 2011-2012 year had its eventful activities along with an improvement on the vocal skills of many of the participants.  Here is a quick look at the events of the year:
  • Open House!  We opened with accompanying the Musical Theater singing "Belle."
  • November- Mr Levario was informed that there is a possibility that we would be singing at an event during an Arizona Birthday celebrationin conjuction with a Social Studies unit on naturalization.  We were told that we would sing at the UofA College of Law during the naturalization ceremony of future American Citizens.  It was suggested we start working on the National Anthem and a song entitled "Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor.  We later we expected to learn the Arizona State song.  we Mid November, we again participated in the TUSD Choral Festival.  We sang, a medley of Erie Canal and 16 tons, a song in German called "Wiegenlied,' and a more contemporary piece entitled "Fireflies."  If any of you loyal readers have pictures of ANY event, post them on a comment or send them to Mr. Levario,
  • On November 15, the beginning chorus had a concert with the 6th grade performing arts class.

  • December we accompanied the Band/Orchestra a little early to accomodate the impending birth of Ms. Davidson's bundle of joy (it was a boy BTW)
  • Mid-December we had our annual trip to sing at the State Capitol followed by our lunch at Arizona Mills. 

  • February-We found out that the performance at the College of Law was postponed, but we could still sing our numbers at a school event on Arizona's Centennial Birthday, February 14.  A great performance, however, we saved "Tired and Poor" for when the naturalization event was re-scheduled (spoiler-it was not rescheduled).
  • March-CHORUS SPRING CONCERT!!  Since we hadn't heard about when the College of Law performance was to be rescheduled, the Advanced chorus went ahead and premiered Give Me your Tired, Your Poor.  They had assistance from Mansfeld alum Juan Flores as well as from Brian Levario.   The concert also featured a performance of a few songs from the beginning chorus.  The beginning chorus actually had another perfromance coming up in May, so their major focus was on that event.
  • May 3, the 2nd annual Multicultural night featuring a local mariachi group, a group of alumni folklorico dancers, a salsa contest, displays of work from Spanish class, a Korean song from the advanced chorus and a show about American Jazz by the beginning chorus.  It was quite an evening and a success for the beginning chorus with future thespians in the mix!!
  • May 10, our final "concert" of sorts, both the beginning and advanced choruses performed along with the orchestra for visiting schools in the cafeteria, giving a great impression of the strong arts programs available at Mansfeld.
It is unfortunate that there are few photographs of events of the past school year, but again I will welcome any to be posted later.  Please send to the email above or post them on a comment!  The video below is of the advanced chorus practicing the Korean song "Ahrirang" for the performance on May 3.  In it one can hear some of the improvements in vocal quality of the group as well as student habits and behaviors typical of students waiting for the end of the school year.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

For shame...

The school year is over and can you believe it?  There were no posts since December 2011 to share what we have accomplished.  It's too bad that this student run blog site was rarely used, but it does point to the fact that this is one item of communication that needs to improve.  In a future post, I will add some of the events/activities that this 2011-2012 chorus participated in....STAY TUNED!!!!

Tom Levario