As an 8th grader, the end of the year is the most exciting and most emotional time of the school year. The thought of High School gives you butterflies in your stomach and you want to cry because you're going to miss Mansfeld. Chorus is probably the funniest class I've ever had. Before Mansfeld I never thought of singing the way I do now and I don't want to stop. I want to thank Mr. Levario for such a lovely time in chorus and for teaching me what I know about music. Don't ever stop doing what you're doing now! Those of you in 6th and 7th grade, I hope you stay in chorus because you become your own instrument and learn about how to make music with yourself. I have so many memories in chorus and I know I will never forget them. Thanks guys for making it such a great year and a great 3 years at Mansfeld.
Love, Brigette.