This has been a very busy week performing and showing how excited we are to have the opportunity for vocal music; experiences that are enduring.
In the spring, those involved with educating these students will undergo another agonizing time with budget cuts. There is just too much to say about what this devastating annual practice will do to some programs. What really matters is what parents want for their children. Many wonder what they can do and most of the time all people and hear is money this and money that.
While money is necessary, it is not the only thing. There are TUSD board meetings, Mansfeld site council meetings and PTSO meetings. The next site council and PTSO meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of January, site council at 4:00 and PTSO at 6:30. These meetings discuss possibilities and procedures. Being informed and creative outside of the realm of school can bring fresh ideas to counter those that are predictable. While those in charge may only see the bottom line, what is done with it is where the most help is needed. Please get involved and voice your ideas for what matters to you in public education. Music education and music literacy are what matters to me for my children and ALL my students.