Saturday, November 30, 2013


As the semester progresses, I am finding that it is easier to access tax credit funding and the students in chorus can start benefiting from this almost immediately...the only drawback is that items and activities have depleted those funds and there is still a need.

Please remember that any donations you make to tax credit are refunded in full or are credited to your taxes during tax season.  If you donate before the end of December, you will be credited in 2014!  (Remember, a family who files their taxes jointly can donate up to $400.00!  What a great way to "save" for a summer vacation!) 
Any amount will be appreciated!  A donation of $5.00 can buy 2-3 copies of choral music!  It all adds up!!

The picture below will show you what you will see when you donate by credit/debit card at the tax credit site (You will have to select "Mansfeld" as the school and "Chorus" as the activity):

After you select, decide on an amount and comment (if you like :-)) you just click the buttons, provide credit/debit card information and you're done!  There are even ways to create an "app" from this page for either your Android or iPhone!!  
(Don't forget to save the final page as a receipt for your taxes)

Here is the link to donate:

Thank you so much for supporting the choral music program at Mansfeld!

Thomas Levario

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Yes, We're Still Here!!!

Sorry it has been so long for a post to be written, but I want to assure you that we have been working diligently to improve our chorus program!  The picture at the top of this blogsite is of this year's chorus at the TUSD Choral festival at Tucson High School.  The kids did a wonderful job singing excerpts of songs that were used as learning tools during the first quarter of instruction.  Song excerpts had varied artists from "Pink" to Stevie Wonder, The Beatles and Taylor Swift.  The advanced chorus is now working on the songs for our annual trip to the state capitol (December 13, 2013) and for the Instrumental music concert on December 12.

The Beginning chorus will be making its singing debut on November 21, 2013 at 6:30 in the evening.  They will be singing a couple songs to cap the evening that will feature a small skit and music from the 6th grade performing arts class.

Hope you can all make it to these events!!

Tom Levario

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Well it looks like this school year (2012-13) is wrapping up and it is a good time to see what was accomplished... 

For those who will be new additions to the Mansfeld community, this information can be helpful if you decide to try out the Vocal Music Program.  Yes, we do sing, but we also learn to appreciate many styles of music. We also help to develop your vocal skills so that you can use it in High School to compete with other students from other schools.  Being a part of a Fine Arts program can help to make your school years more enjoyable! 

Listed below are some of the items we have participated in this past school year:
  • AUGUST-Open House in early August.  We learned a little song and dance to prepare forthe year and performed for the parents.  The song we performed is "Give Me That Spotlight!"
  • SEPTEMBER-Practice and preparation Palo Verde Festival, Phoenix Trip AND advanced choral test in December.  Students were given a song to learn by sight singing, a skill learned in class and encouraged to be practiced at home with songs and exercises from the sight singing book on this blogsite.  This song will be the sight singing "TEST"
  • OCTOBER-Practice and preparation Palo Verde Festival, Phoenix Trip AND advanced choral test in December. Students were given a song to learn by sight singing, a skill learned in class and encouraged to be practiced at home with songs and exercises from the sight singing book on this blogsite.
  • NOVEMBER-TUSD Middle and High School Festival at Palo Verde High School.  This occured in early November.  The Beginning and Advanced chorus participated in this year with 2-3 songs each.
  • DECEMBER-THE TEST!!!  The singing test is not difficult, one only needs to put in the time to help develop and synchronize sounds as they relate to your mouth (throat and lungs), ears, and your brain.  ALL PEOPLE CAN SING WELL if they put in the practice time regularly.  We developed a temporary intermediate class of students who needed a little more assistance in developing their musical ability.   THE PHOENIX TRIP-Throughout the months of August, September, October and November, we fundraise for this trip by selling water and parking to the people who attend the UofA football games.

  • The infamous Phoenix trip is an annual event where we sing a set of songs in the State Capitol lobby as well as listen to some other school groups from different parts of Arizona.    We usually use the same musical set when we perform prior to the Band/Orchestra Winter concert.  This year, for the first time, our choruses combined to sing the seasonal number "Carol of the Bells."  Our efforts resulted in 4 of our 8th graders (Prashamsa, Breanna, Miranda and Christie) accompanying the Tucson High Choirs in that same song!
Coming Soon!!! Video of Chorus performing at the Capitol!
Click on the URL below if you want to see last year's chorus performing there...
  • JANUARY-Practice and preparation for Spring Concert or Multicultural Night on May 3rd.  For the intermediate students, there is another singing test in April. Students were given a new song to learn by sight singing, a skill learned in class and encouraged to be practiced at home with songs and exercises from the sight singing book on this blogsite (Eyes and Ears Sight Sing).
  • FEBRUARY-We had a performance for "Literacy Night."  The advanced students performed an acapella version of a song entitled "Love is Love."  The 6th grade chorus finished the performance by performing a timely piece called "Castle on a Cloud" from the story Les Miserables and "Figure Eight" from Schoohouse Rock.  Great night and the students performed well!                                                                                                               Practice and preparation for Spring Concert or Multicultural Night on May 3rd.  For the intermediate students, there is another singing test in April. Students were given a new song to learn by sight singing, a skill learned in class and encouraged to be practiced at home with songs and exercises from the sight singing book on this blogsite (Eyes and Ears Sight Sing).
  • MARCH-Practice and preparation for Spring Concert or Multicultural Night on May 3rd For the intermediate students, there is another singing test in April. Students were given a new song to learn by sight singing, a skill learned in class and encouraged to be practiced at home with songs and exercises from the sight singing book on this blogsite (Eyes and Ears Sight Sing).
  • APRIL-AIMS!!! Prior to the AIMS test, we had a performance on AIMS night.  The Advanced students sang with the Theater kids, a song from Pirates of Penzance entitled "The Modern Major General" song.  The 6th graders sang through Figure Eight again and then both groups combined to sing the song "NOUN, a person place or thing" also from Schoolhouse Rock. 
    The intermediate students tested again to qualify for advanced chorus for the next year, while the 8th graders were beginning preparations for auditioning for the Tucson High Choirs.  After AIMS, our focus will be on the performance at the Multicultural event on May 3.
  • MAY-There are three evening performances that may involve chorus, and they are on May 3, May 7 and possibly May 9.  There will also be a daytimie performance for visiting elementary schools to our campus.
These are some, or most of the performances, but there have been many little ones within the school or classrooms that have been very the 6th graders singing an impromptu version of Hanna Montana's "The Climb."  (There's nothing to see, I just made the video for the audio portion...enjoy!)


I look forward to another great year and not so much dividing up of the groups, there will only be an advanced and beginning 6th grade group.  New students to the program will be assisted to help with music reading skills as part of the whole group.  I and "We" welcome you!!  If there are any questions about ANTYTHING in the vocal music program, please email or call me: or call 520-225-1872.