Important info on the upcoming performances we'll be having! November 3rd is the TUSD Choral Festival at Palo Verde High School. That's Wednesday! We'll be riding on the city bus there and back. Those of you that made it into the Advanced chorus will be going so, remember to bring in your permission slip! You will need at least $7.50 for the entire trip. $2.50 for the bus and $5.00 for lunch. Mr. Levario will call Palo Verde and give us more information on Tuesday.
The Tucson High Choir Performance will be sometime during the week of November 15th-19th. We'll get back to you on the exact date. We will leave to walk to Tucson High at 8:25 A.M. and we'll return at 1:00 P.M.
The Phoenix trip for the Seasonal Song Singing at the State Capital will be December 15th. We will leave on a chartered bus at 8:25 a.m. and return at about 6:00 p.m. We need about 3 adults to chaperone. Be sure to keep your grades up and your teachers happy so, you may go on the trip.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The Sight Singing Brooha (not Bruja)
Sight singing has been all the talk of complaints these past couple of weeks. Unfortunatley many students have been the recipients of the procrastination prize...being caught without practicing the songs. Remember, you will not have to work this out on you own yet. These first tests are to find those who need extra assistance and to weed out those students who are just not that serious about singing. They consist of the syllables Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do and how they can be mixed, repeated and sung at various speeds to create music. The order above are represented by the symbols on the picture below:

Eight notes, the first 7 being different, the last repeeats the first.

Eight notes, the first 7 being different, the last repeeats the first.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Singing exercises
For those of you that didn't quite make it into the advanced chorus, remember to practice the singing exercise for this week! Tomorrow you will be tested! If you pass this test you can go on the Palo Verde field trip.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Featured Student of the Week
This weeks student of the week is Reyna P! Check out the Student of the week column to learn more about Reyna.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
CH CH CH CH CHANGES-turn and face the strange.
The next quarter the chorus is making some changes to its rehearsal venue and its practices. The rooms will stay the same, but the risers are moved into Room 225 for the begining chorus to use on Tuesdays and Thursdays for sight singing and fundamental practice.
Additionally, Mondays will have the entire class sing the assignment/ test to prepare the beginners for their Tuesday and Thursday singing practice assignments, Fridays will be the beginners singing tests to help them be a part of the advanced group. The test will be what we sang on Monday.
Yup, you have to sing AND learn about music in Chorus!!
Sorry Charlie, no tuna for you! But you can tune a singer!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
While the cats away, the mice... practice sight singing
Monday, October 11, 2010
One down... much more to go..

After much practice, we finally performed at Reid Park Zoo. It was crowded, but that just gave us a bigger audience to perform for. Always look on the bright side! I dragged my little brother along with me so he could take some pictures for me to post on the website. (Thank you, Anthony) I have to say they're pretty good, but in order for everyone to see your beautiful faces we need those media release forms! Otherwise, your face will be blurred or swirly. Let me know if you turned yours in so I can edit the pictures. :) - Brigette
Friday, October 8, 2010
Festival of Schools: TOMORROW!
Tomorrow is the big day at Reid Park Zoo. The event starts at 9:00 a.m., and we will be preforming at 11:30. If you are in the performance be at the zoo by 11:00 a.m. so we can be ready to go on stage (..or grass). If you're not in the performance feel free to come anyway! Its free! How awesome is that? We'll be on the stage for about 15 minutes, but we should make it a great 15 minutes and show people what the mansfelds chorus/musical theatre can do! Hope to see you there. :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
New Student of the Week.
This weeks Student of the Week is..... (Drum roll please!) *Just.. imagine a drum roll.. or bang on the desk in front of you.. whatever works*...... CHARLOTTE H! Check out the top left of the website to learn about the lovely Student of the Week.
Want to be next weeks student of the week? Make sure to turn in your media release form to Mr. Levario! You can download it from this very webpage!!!
Want to be next weeks student of the week? Make sure to turn in your media release form to Mr. Levario! You can download it from this very webpage!!!
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